Saturday, March 1, 2014

The sleepy drinker

I’m so sleepy. Yeah of course it is this hour. We went out for drinks and snacks at a friends place. Remi and Paco. And we stayed quite late. Then Paco and Remi were kinda drunk and wanted to go out to another pub, they wanted more beer as theirs had run out. And Adri had to go home, walk home quite a while away. So we all got up to go out. I had a feeling there probably wasn’t a pub open, and secretly hoping it because I was sleepy. And for some reason I felt like I had enough beer. I don’t think I like beer as much as I did before.. I like the sensation of wine though.
The other day we were eating Chinese food. At a Szechuan restaurant. It was a pretty authentic place. They had two menus, a mandarin and English one. But the English one contained far less items, and generally more expensive. We ordered noodles. And I ordered Tan tan mien, spicy spicy noodles with ground meat. It was SPICY. But it was nice. And CHEAP! 5.5 euros! Loved it! We are going AGAIN!
Anyways, we were talking about how when eating spicy foods, it can make me lightheaded. I came to the realization that having spicy foods and having alcohol had the same effect on me. For spicyness it is a little more intense.  I get the equivalent of a brain freeze, a strong pounding brain freeze. But for both I get lightheaded.

When I drink alcohol, I get sleepy. Maybe this makes me not a very fun drinker? But there I go, quite and watching other people. Observing what they do. It is quite strange to me. Maybe I am over thinking this. I think I am.  But one thing is that its starting not to be a nice physical experience being drunk. I get bloated or nausea from all the beer. Wine is quite a nice effect on me. But I don’t like the blueteeth we get from wine. My stomach is one my weakneses on this part. If I’m not careful it leads to puking.

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